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Locomotion Serum

A locomotion serum is an invigorating serum with a gritty aftertaste. Drinking a locomotion serum grants you an additional mode of movement, or a benefit while using a certain type of movement, for a short time. The effects of a locomotion serum last for 10 minutes.


Serums are vials of magic liquid that you can imbibe as a standard action or carefully trickle down the throat of a helpless or unconscious creature as a full action. Serums are normally 1 ounce of liquid (though it is possible to make serums with larger volumes, these are no more effective than standard serums), and lose potency if they are mixed with any other material. A serum can be used only once. Regardless of a serum’s actual item level, all serum vials have their hardness and Hit Points calculated as if they were 1st-level items.

Locomotion Serum, Runner’s

Source Starfinder Enhanced pg. 168
Level 7; Price 900; Bulk


Your land speed becomes 30 feet. Penalties to speed from armor or other sources still apply.

Locomotion Serum, Climber’s

Source Starfinder Enhanced pg. 168
Level 4; Price 350; Bulk


You gain a climb speed of 20 feet. As usual for having a climb speed, you additionally receive a +8 bonus to Athletics checks to climb and you don’t need to attempt Athletics checks to climb except in hazardous circumstances.

Locomotion Serum, Swimmer’s

Source Starfinder Enhanced pg. 168
Level 6; Price 670; Bulk


You gain a swim speed of 30 feet.

Locomotion Serum, Leaper’s

Source Starfinder Enhanced pg. 168
Level 8; Price 1,450; Bulk


You always count as having a running start when attempting Athletics checks to jump. In addition, you reduce the DC of all Athletics checks to jump by half.

Locomotion Serum, Burrower’s

Source Starfinder Enhanced pg. 168
Level 9; Price 2,100; Bulk


You gain a burrow speed of 10 feet.

Locomotion Serum, Flier’s

Source Starfinder Enhanced pg. 168
Level 9; Price 2,100; Bulk


You gain a fly speed of 40 feet with maneuverability of average. If you are flying when this serum’s duration ends, you fall, taking damage from the fall as normal.